How to Choose the Best Items When Downsizing

It’s both a hard and simple task all at once to decide what to keep and not to keep all while you are in the middle of downsizing, which is stressful enough. But if you use this method as you look at your prized or sentimental treasures, it really will help to clear your mind. If there was a fire at your home, or your home was soon to be in a tornado’s path, what would immediately come to your mind that you wanted to save? This thought process is called “Reverse Decluttering.” “Reverse Decluttering” will help you focus on what’s important to KEEP, not what you should or have to get rid of. This…will help you to realize the essentials to efficiently trim the excess in your life.” I realize that emotionally this is easier said then done, however, it really does narrow down those items that make you:

a. happy and/or

b. those items that bring you good memories.

If you allow yourself to FOCUS on these two reasons, I promise it will make your life easier as you go through this transition.

Thanks to Simplifying Mom Life for their article on Reverse Decluttering - you can find more information on the link here: Simplifying Mom Life


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